Make sure the entrance to your home creates a good first impression. Repair or replace old woodwork, clear away rubbish, cut your grass and tidy plants. You may event want to add a few new plants to create atmosphere and charm.
Ensure your bathrooms are attractive as they can be a major selling point. A fresh coat of paint, new mirror, blinds or curtains, green plants or even just a few soft matching towels can give an older bathroom a valuable lift in appearance.
If your kitchen needs a makeover, add some baskets of fruit, flowers, attractive blinds or fresh paint. Put away clutter and old electrical items, particularly if the kitchen is small.
Create a bright atmosphere by opening curtains and blinds, clearing branches or bushes that are overhanging windows and by installing higher wattage bulbs in darker areas.
Generate an impression of space by opening windows and doors, removing any clutter including unnecessary furniture or ornaments and by keeping walkways clear.
Keep your home warm and welcoming in colder months by lighting open fires or putting on the heater. In summer, turn on air-conditioning or let in the breeze through open windows and doors.
It is rarely necessary to conduct expensive structural work before selling a home. Make sure any obvious damage is repaired but take advice before adding extensions, pools or other major features.
Lastly, ensure everything is clean, tidy and smelling fresh. Make the beds, clear the sinks of dishes, put away clothes and have your carpet professionally cleaned.